Hi, I'mShoaib Mirza

hobbyist maker & Developer

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Pixel Table

Project Name: Pixel Table
Client:Center for Cognitive Skills Enhancement
Objective: I made a table with programmable LED lights in order to program interactive lights and games into the table. Approach:  The goal of this project was to make a table with programmable LED lights in order to program interactive lights and games into the table. The table consisted of a physical grid of LED lights under the glass, supported by a frame. A white sheet was placed between the grid frame and the glass table-top in order to make sure light emitting from the diodes disperse and form an even pixel-like effect. The lights were controlled using an Arduino microcontroller, where it used a matrix to keep track of which light turns on and off. Since functions were provided to manipulate the lights, the table became programmable and we can program games or patterns into it. The project included a button driven controlling interface to control the games on the table for both single-player and two-player games. The project was used to play two famous block-graphic games - Snake, and Tetris. Using this project, we could also display different illustrations including the lab logo.