Hi, I'mShoaib Mirza

hobbyist maker & Developer

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Lego Rubik’s Cube Solver

Project Name: Lego Rubik’s Cube Solver
Client: Center for Cognitive Skill Enhancement (CCSE) Lab
Date: 2017

Objective: I constructed an autonomous Rubik’s Cube solver using lego-pieces. 

ApproachEver since I was a child, I was always intrigued by the idea of being able to make almost anything with legos. That is probably where my passion for mechanics arose. I have probably made over a hundred robots- of various shapes, types, and mechanisms -  but this was definitely my favorite. I had built this back in 2017, using the Lego Mindstorm set. Although similar projects have been done before by others, there weren't that many resources available which explained how to make this. Therefore, I had to make the entire thing more or less all by myself, with some help from existing resources. I had also optimized the code for the solving algorithm so that it could be solved much more efficiently by the robot. The robot makes use of two sensors, the first one is an object sensor to detect whether a Rubik’s cube has been placed properly and a color sensor which is used to detect the colors. The robot is defaulted to sleep mode, but when the object sensor detects a cube, the algorithm starts off to solve the cube. There are two motors in place which are used to turn the cube so that it can be solved.