Hi, I'mShoaib Mirza

hobbyist maker & Developer

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IoT Egg Case

Project Name: IoT Egg Case
Client: Fab Lab IUB
Date: 2017

ObjectiveThe project is a smart egg case that can detect how many eggs are inside it. It displays this data on a website and shows via animation when an egg is taken out or added inside. The purpose of this experiment was to help people remember to buy eggs. Often, this is overlooked until someone needs an egg only to find that they have run out. To this end, the device will automatically add eggs to online shopping carts or text the user when they are out of eggs. Often, this is overlooked until someone needs an egg only to find that they have run out. To this end, the device will automatically add eggs to online shopping carts or text the user when they are out of eggs. 

Approach: Each egg holder had a limit switch, which was connected in series with resistors to each other. Using the resistor drop, an ESP8266 was able to detect which of the egg was taken out. This information was sent to a website, made by me.