Hi, I'mShoaib Mirza

hobbyist maker & Developer

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Gaming Arcade

Project Name: Gaming Arcade
Client: Fab Lab IUB
Date: 2017

Objective: In a group of 2, we decided to experiment with different arcade designs to deviate from the generic coin-based model where a player must buy and then input coin tokens to use the game booth or arcade machine. 

Approach: Our machine was developed using Raspberry Pi with a microprocessor costing about two to three thousand BDT and a simple monitor. This allowed us to present the arcade experience for very cheap. The machines also included a smart camera that recorded the expressions of the player, documenting how different players reacted to different games and experiences. Our experimental model worked by giving tokens to players if they smiled in front of the camera, rather than by having to buy said tokens. These were placed in various university campuses to document players' reactions.